Bifidobacterium Infantis


    BENEBIOTIC is a dietary supplement based on PRO-BIOTICS and PRE-BIOTICS. PRO-BIOTICS promote the balance of intestinal flora. Probiotics health benefits includes supporting digestion, preventing and treating diarrhea, supporting oral health, guaranteeing a healthy heart, relieving allergies and eczema, boosting immunity, treating irritable bowl syndrome, reducing blood pressure levels. PRE-BIOTICS Researchers have found that prebiotics are helpful in increasing the helpful bacteria and reduce disease risk and improve general well being.
    MAIN INGREDIENTS: Lactobacillus reuteriLactobacillus rhamnosusStreptococcus thermophilusBifidobacterium breveLactobacillus acidophilusBifidobacterium infantisLactobacillus plantariumFructooligosaccharide

    Dietary supplement based on Probiotics, Prebiotics and Vitamin.
    MAIN INGREDIENTS: Lactobacillus acidophiluBacillus coagulansBifidobacterium InfantisLactobacillus bulgaricusLactobacillus thermophilusGlucoligosaccaridesVitamin B1Vitamin B2Vitamin B6Vitamin B12

    dietary supplement based on Prebiotic, Probiotic enzymes and Vitamins. It can promote the physiological balance of the intestinal fl ora and promote naturally wellness of the intestinal tract. It is necessary to increase the intake of these elements during antibiotic treatments, psycho-physical stress situations or irregular power supply.
    MAIN INGREDIENTS: Lactobacillus acidophilusBacillus coagulansBifidobacterium InfantisLactobacillus bulgaricusLactobacillus thermophilusGlucoligosaccaridesVitamin B1Vitamin B2Vitamin B6Vitamin B12
