

    is a dietary supplement based on Natural Curative Herbs. Aloe Vera, Rhubarb and Frangula promote digestive function and the regularity of intestinal transit. Licorice promotes the functionality of the digestive system.
    MAIN INGREDIENTS: Cassia Angustifolia leavesfrangula bark powderLicorice root powderAloe Vera powderZingiber Officinale rhizome powderRhubarb rhizome powder

    is a dietary supplement - based on Cassia, Alder buckthorn, Cascara, Rhubarb and Aloe. Cassia, Alder buckthorn, Cascara, Rhubarb and Aloe promote the intestinal transit regularity. Fennel helps the regular gastrointestinal motility and gas elimination. Aloe, Alder buckthorn, Cascara and Rhubarb support the digestive function. Licorice is involved with the digestive system functioning.
    MAIN INGREDIENTS: Cassia angustifoliaAlder buckthorn bark powderCascara bark powderRhubarb rhizome powderAloe juice powderFennel fruits powderLicorice root powder

    BIOLAX TABS is a dietary supplement made with Cape aloe, Frangula, Licorice, Rhubarb and Vegetable carbon. Cape Aloe, Rhubarb and Frangula promote digestive function and the regularity of intestinal transit. Licorice promotes the functionality of the digestive system
    MAIN INGREDIENTS: FrangulaLicoriceAlfa-AlfaCape AloeVegetal CarbonRhubarb
